In this Cinema 4D tutorial, I show you how you can create plastic vinyl toy textures as well as how to then light and render your vinyl toys realistically.
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You Will Learn:
• How to create a plastic vinyl toy texture utilizing the Reflectance Channel
• Lighting our scene with soft box lights to add nice reflections
• Using Global Illumination and Ambient Occlusion for added realism
If you have any questions about creating plastic vinyl textures in Cinema 4D, post them in the comments section! If you created any cool vinyl toy renders using this workflow, be sure to share it with me Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
LUV :)
Hi, How did you model these hands?
Very helpful. I would love to see the Octane render version.
Glad you liked it!!
Simple box modeling and Subdivision Surface!
I was curious if you ever set up the texture color with a Diffuse Base color in the reflectance channel instead of using the color channel. That seems to be the way Maxon is telling us to set up materials for the new Pro Render with the PBR materials preset. I have seen some other tutorials that have talked about not using the color channel and sticking with reflection based materials in the Physical render. But I will admit that I am still trying to figure out the best settings for working with the PBR workflow, so this is not a criticism of your tutorial. I just was curious if you have tried working that way.
Hi AJ, great tutorial. I especially liked the part about lighting; it’s a topic I have great deficiency in.
I live in Israel and next month, round Christmas time, we’ll have Hanukkah, and among other traditions we eat Sufganiyot, which are kind of like donuts except hey don’t have a hole, they have a filling, and sugar powder on top. You’ve inspired me to create some Sufganiyot for the 8 days of Hanukkah, however I’m a bit worried about the sugar powder part and I was wondering wether you’ll some advice on how to create it;should it be just a white material with a powder map? I’ve included a link to a photo of a Sufgania for reference. Thanks a lot for the tutorial!
I think a powder map would work nicely or some kind of noise with an alpha channel as well would work as well! If you want to do it the hard way you could always clone a bunch of tiny tiny spheres on top of the donut as the dust, but its also not the best way to do it but one of the easiest. Good luck!
Hey James! Thanks for the question! So the thing about the diffuse in the reflectance channel is it’s always super blurry for me and it actually doesn’t speed anything up in my experience…the workflow that GSG showed was using a texture image, not a color. Have you noticed this as well? What has been your experience?
Thanks AJ you’re the best!
So I finished my project, it’ll be an honor if you’ll check it out:
Thanks for all the help!
EJ! Thanks for consistently putting out good tutorials and work! You’re a staple of the community!
If you have some insight for how you modeled the pink frosting on your donut, I’d love to hear it! Currently working on something similar for my instagram! @robbysalz
Keep it up!
EJ, thank you so much for this in-depth tutorial. Much appreciate it.
I had a request, would you consider teaching VRray4C4D too? I have been struggling to get this same look and feel in Vray
hello sir, how would i be able to seperate ambient occlusion as a child of multi-pass? can’t seem to access the features of AO
You mean how to seperate AO as it’s own pass? You must add the pass to your Multipass and then in the AO render setting, uncheck “apply to project” and it will render as it’s own pass and not baked into your render. Hope that helps!
Hello sir! Thanks for the kind comment! I honestly don’t know anyone who uses VRay still with the advent of Octane/Redshift/Arnold so it’s highly unlikely myself or David will learn and use VRay, let alone make tutorials for it. Sorry! :/
Hey EJ! Great Tutorial! Your artwork is amazing!! Could you make a tutorial on this donut? I am pretty new to 3D and this donut looks like a great excercise to the tools, the shoes, the icing, the mouth.. Super neat details! Amazing! Thank you so much!!
Hey Tina! Thanks for the kind words and yes i plan on doing some tutorials sometime in the future!