In this tutorial, I’m going to introduce you to the basics of IK Rigging in Cinema 4D to rig up a simple character!
You Will Learn:
• How to use Joints
• How to Create a simple IK rig
• Using a Skin Deformer to move your mesh
• Smoothing IK Weighting
Watch my Cinema 4D Dynamics Tutorial Series Playlist on Youtube
If you have any questions about IK, post them in the comments section! If you created any cool animations using any of these workflows, be sure to share it with me Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
You explain so well, that you make it easy. It was all Chinese for me, but now I finally understand how it works. Thank you! And may I ask how you moddeld the mouth?
Thanks for watching! Glad you finally understood! :) The mouth is a simple sweep object along a spline, then I use Pose Morph to make the mouth move, etc… Enjoy!
Thank you! :)
Can we have tutorial on how to model characters like your robot in the pixel tutorial or this sock character? Thank you
really so helpful videos , and I’m following your channel, so easy way and so generous in giving your experience, please if you have time to make tutorial for the sock design and the texturing , how can you make such rounded white color on a curve shape like sock, i tried many times doing this , but i couldn’t
many thanks
This is a great video. Thanks for such a simple explanation! I also caught your demos at NAB, and those were great too…thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Super pumped you enjoyed it! Thanks for the kind comment and thanks for the support! :)
Ej, would be REALLY cooooool to have a download to accompany the tutorial for folks to follow as they watch ☺.
P.S. Very nice tutorial on IK Rigging!