Learn all about Cinema 4D R19 ProRender, the brand new Open CL based GPU rendering solution built into C4D R19, discover it’s strengths and weaknesses and if it’s right for you!
You Will Learn:
• What ProRender is
• GPU Renderer basics
• Physically based lighting and rendering
• Overview of all the ProRender render settings
Watch David Ariew’s 2017 Siggraph Presentation on Digital Cinematography
Learn How to Use an Object as a Light Source in Cinema 4D
If you have any questions about Cinema 4D R19’s new ProRender, post them in the comments section! If you created any thing cool using ProRender, be sure to share it with me Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
Hey! Thanks for the tut. Great! I’m really excited to get going with prorender but my scenes crash after a few minutes of using it. My mac is late 2015, 4GHz Intel Core 17. 16GB ram, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB. Could that be the issue? Any help on the issue would be great! Thanks. Ed
Not sure what the issue could be but definitely send a bug report to MAXON and see what develops!
Any news Ed? Is it still crashing?