Learn how to utilize Octane Scatter to create abstract topographic renders inside of Cinema 4D!
Helpful Links David mentioned:
Maps: https://www.tfmstyle.com/retina-pack
Want to see more tutorials from David? Be sure to show him some love, follow him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and leave some comments in the comments section & let us know about any Octane tutorials you’d like to see in the future!
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What You’ll Learn in This Video:
In this Cinema 4D Octane Render tutorial, David Ariew will show you how to create beautiful abstract topographic renders using scatter, as well as how to use adaptive sampling to dramatically speed up your renders, and how to create anamorphic bokeh for a cinematic look.
If you have any questions about Scatter in Octane, post them in the comments section! If you create anything using this technique, be sure to share it with me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
Hello David,
Loved the tutorial man it was great. I know this is an unrelated and you kinda explained this in the Vimeo post on your project, “Rise”. But I was wondering if you would be willing to do a short process video on how you are setting up your particle systems in C4D and what you do in post to composite the particles onto live action footage. I am still having issues with getting my particles to look correct and seamless. I am also finding that I have little to no control over the particles look after I get out of C4D and X-Particles. It would be immensely helpful if I could see your workflow on this subject matter. Thanks again for all the work you have done for the community it has been a pleasure learning from your professionally produced tutorials. Thanks and take care.