In this tutorial you’ll learn how to quickly and easily create and texture mylar balloons using Cloth & Vertex Maps in Cinema 4D!
Topics covered include:
• Using the Extrude Object to create basic balloon geometry
• Learning about Cloth and how to use the Dresser options to create balloon seams
• Discovering the Dress-O-Matic and it’s functions
• Learning about Vertex Maps and how to use them as a layer mask
• Using Texture Mode to adjust and scale noise textures
• Fine tuning Vertex Maps by going over Vertex Painting tools
• Creating a reflective mylar balloon texture
• Tips for creating the nicest looking balloons
If you have any questions about using Cloth for creating mylar balloons, be sure to post it in the comments section! If you create anything using this technique, be sure to share it with me on Twitter or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for watching, Juan!
This is so frustrating. A few weeks ago I was scouring the web for some kind of help figuring out how to replicate the balloons in this ad https://youtu.be/f4uXBx6rCXs I spent a few days modeling and working on different variations and never really got close to what I wanted and lo and behold, all I needed was EJ.
Glad you found it useful!
thats crazy!
you make a public service. eheh
Got stuck at expensive plugin. Could you advice how to proceed without it? Thanks, great tut as always.
Nice! This is a great technique- thanks EJ!
Thanks Nate!
I have a problem … I want to apply this to a special logo
Failed every time
Thanks !
For this workflow to work you need a logo that is thick enough, if you have skinny bits, the balloon workflow won’t work. Also make sure you’re applying this workflow to each individual element of the logo, hope that helps!
I can not get the extrude option to work (does not give me the option with my shape). Any ideas? Thanks!