In this Octane Render for Cinema 4D tutorial, David Ariew will show you how to combine procedural noises to create dramatic martian planet terrains, then add multiple layers of displacement to them.
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What You’ll Learn in These Videos:
In this Cinema 4D Octane Render tutorial, David Ariew will show you how to combine procedural noises to create terrains, then add multiple layers of displacement to them. We’ll look deep into fog settings, composition, lighting, and color matching techniques. Next we’ll learn how to create displacements by baking out C4D’s default noise types, as well as jumping into World Creator for more advanced terrains. Finally, we’ll create canyon walls and a vertical composition, as well as optimizing the scene. See below for Kitbash3D & displacement map links!
If you have any questions about Mars Landscapes in Octane, post them in the comments section! If you create anything using this technique, be sure to share it with me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or in the Comments! Thanks for watching!
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