In this tutorial, due to many requests from folks wanting me to break down the rolling beach towel from this GIF, I’m going to cover a couple different ways you can create a rolling banner or rolling carpet in Cinema 4D. First, I’ll show you how you can use a simple Bend deformer and animate it to create a rolling carpet. Then, I’ll show you how you can use MoSplines to not only create a rolling carpet but an unfurling banner using Particle Effectors and Mograph Effectors.
And as always, if you have any questions, be sure to post it in the comments section and if you create anything cool using this technique, be sure to share it with me! Thanks for watching!
This was recorded live on the Live Design Stream. To get alerted for future live design casts & get sneak peeks at new tutorials before anyone else, sign up for the Eyedesyn Newsletter.
Hello EJ,
I used the Bank on the spline wrap coord. and that adjusted the size of the roll as well. It seems to take away one point of interaction by not having to match point 3 on the bend spline end key frame, but may not be as accurate. I know this one is kinda old but may be relevant still. Any thoughts on this approach?
Hey Mike! If that workflow works as well then that’s definitely good to know! Thanks for the tip!